Monday, May 22, 2023

Fellowship in Christ

 1 John 1:3
That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
Fellowship with Him, fellowship with the Father, and fellowship with one another. Fellowship, the bond of perfection, communion with God, a child of the King, adopted into the family of God. Fellowship, a cord that binds us together in our faith and love for Christ. The mutual belief that Christ died for our sins, and through confession of sin, we enter into fellowship with Him. When we come into contact with a fellow believer, there is an instant connection. We may be divided by land or sea, social class, or culture, but our kindred spirits connect in Christ, we have instant fellowship with one another.  We gather together on Sunday to worship the Father and give thanks to our Redeemer, but we also gather to break bread and have fellowship with each other. A time to build each other in the most holy faith. Time to share life and our walk with Christ, how God is answering prayers,  and share the burdens we carry. Our hearts become heavy when we hear about someone who no longer is in fellowship with Christ. They are no longer walking in the light, and are now walking in darkness. We must be aware that believers may not always agree, but when one denies the power of Christ, and continues in sin and darkness, they have dis-associated themselves from the body of Christ. As fellow believers, we must pray that God will restore that person, and return back  into the fellowship of Christ. Let us gather together to worship our Savior, and have fellowship one with another because we have seen and heard what Christ has done for us.

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