Saturday, March 11, 2023

Holy Spirit Departed

 1Sam. 16:14
But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him.
“My Spirit shall not always strive with man..” (Gen. 6:3). These are the words spoken by God when the earth became corrupted and filled with evil and wickedness. On that day, He sent a flood and the people that dwelled on earth were destroyed, save Noah and his family. Sin is a wedge that separates us from God. Rebellion and unbelief breaks the heart of God. I don’t know if crossing the line of no return is possible, but it appears that Saul came to a point in his life that He turned his back on God and an evil spirit was sent to torment his soul. His conscience had been seared, incentive to the moving of God. It is dangerous to reject the Holy Spirit when he moves on your heart. Only God knows when someone has reached a point of unforgiveness. Scripture does indicate that there is such a state. I do thank God, that we live in the dispensation of grace and mercy. God is not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance. I like to believe that as long as we have breath and a sound mind that there is hope for anyone who wants God regardless of the life they have lived. Even to the very end, like the dying thief on the cross, the words of hope can still be heard. “Today you shall be with me in paradise.”

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