Friday, March 17, 2023

He Knocks at your Door

 Rev. 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
The iconic visual of Jesus knocking on the door has been illustrated by hundreds of artists through the centuries.  A simple Google search will show that in almost every picture there is no door handle on the door. The knock is soft and gentle. I can imagine Jesus speaks as He knocks, “Hello, anyone home? Can you hear my voice? Can I come in? I would love to sit down with you, have fellowship with you and dine.” We live in a culture that once feared and regarded God’s word, but now, Jesus is put on the shelf and treated as a relic of the past. Self sufficiency and self reliance is the mantra of humanistic thinking. “You don’t need God's help, you can do it!” Positive thinking is a good mind set, but outside of God it is vain. Jesus knocks, and desires to be the center of your life,  the hope that keeps you going and believing that all things will work together for good.  He is knocking at the heart of your door, wanting to have communion with you. Only you can let Him in, He will not enter uninvited. Don’t allow the worldly things of this world to crowd out the voice of Jesus. Listen, and open the door, and break bread with the one who loves you.

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