Saturday, September 3, 2022

I Was A Foreigner

 Ruth 2:10b

“Why have I found favor in your eyes that you should notice me, when I am a foreigner?” 


Reflecting on my journey in life, I marvel at the grace of God. As a young teenage boy, God in His providence noticed me. He revealed Himself to me, showing me the sinfulness of my heart, but did not leave me there, His grace showed me the way to the cross. He favored me with His love and forgiveness. Raised in a religious home, I was taught the doctrine of the church, but never was made aware that God’s grace gave me access to the throne of God, and a personal relationship with Christ. I was a foreigner to the Word and its place in my daily life. I’ll never understand why God chose me out of the billions of people in this world to make me a vessel to serve Him. I want to glean in His fields, and live my life, so I will always find favor in His eyes

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