Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Your Treasures

Matt 6: 21  …lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

The treasures are the things you love and don’t want to let go. They are the things that are most important to you. Many live for the things of this world, the material things of this world, the approval of others, or the power to rule and command others. This is the mind set of one who is blinded to the real world, a world that can only be seen by spiritual eyes. They who abide in Christ know that this world is not our home. Our heart is for another world. Our treasure is stored in the kingdom of God. We live each day knowing that it could be our last, and only that done for Christ will last. We are not blinded to our earthly needs and desires, God does provide and blesses us with many earthly possessions. But they are not what really matters. Laying up treasures in heaven is to live on earth doing the will of God. To love Him with all our hearts and to treat others with love and respect.

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