Monday, December 9, 2019

He is Our Lamp

2 Sam 22:29 For thou art my lamp, O Lord: and the Lord will lighten my darkness.
Darkness is the absence of light. When the lights go off we become disoriented. Confusion often follows, and we begin to question God. David, a man after God’s heart faced dark times and even though he knew what was right and knew the precept of God’s law, he became lost in his own selfish pursuits. But David also found his way back when He allowed the light of God to show him his heart and to guide him out of the darkness of despair. He recognized that in order to escape the darkness, He must always avail himself to the lamps God provided along the way. Darkness brings fear of the unknown, followed by anxiety and stress. We all face times when darkness swallows us up. We don’t always know which way to turn, but we can trust God to be our lamp, to show us the way out of our darkness. Everyone goes through the valley of the shadow of darkness, but like David, we can trust God to be our lamp that will provide the light to see us through.

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