Saturday, May 25, 2019


Acts 16:30,31 …What must I do to be saved?And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…

Believing is more that just a consent of the mind that something is true. Believing that Jesus is the Son of God who walked and lived in this world, put to death by those who refuse to acknowledge his Lordship is not enough to be saved from the curse of sin and eternal damnation. The jailer recognized the power of God, and Paul and Silas were empowered by the Holy Spirit as they praised God in song. Falling on his knee, he wanted what Paul and Silas had. How could they praise God in the midst of being persecuted? Who was this Jesus that they worship, willing to be imprison and even willing to die? He was troubled and convicted of his sin. He wanted no part in the accusation of these God fearing men. What must I do to have what you have? This was the underling question. The jailer confess his need, accepted Christ and acknowledge Christ through baptism. His changed life reached out to his family and no doubt, everyone that he came in contact with.

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