Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Step of The Lord

Prov. 16:9 A man's heart devises his way: but the Lord directs his steps.

With anticipation, our hearts are set for that special occasion. We have made our plans and we can’t wait. Such is life as we plan out our day or look to the future, until the unexpected happens, something we did not plan. An interruption in our well made plans. We become frustrated that the course of events do not work out the way we hoped. Life happens, and we shack our head. It is in moments like these, that we need to bow our heads commit our ways to the Lord and let Him direct our steps. “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord” Ps 37:23. It is good to make plans and set goals, but ultimately our lives belong to God and He determines the path that is best for us. 

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