Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Help When Tempted

Hebrew 2:18 For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour (help) them that are tempted.

Most of the time when we are tempted it is to do something that violate a rule or principle of living standards. Tempted to do give in to base natural desires that are prohibited by God’s word. Tempted to cast away our faith when things don’t go the way we think they should. Tempted to trust our own understanding and doubt God’s ability to handle the situation. Temptation is a suggestion that brings us to a crossroad of making a decision. Do we do what is right, or do we give in to our human and fleshly weakness? To be tempted or face temptation, is not sin. It can be seen as a test of our faith, or an attacked from Satan to destroy what God is trying to do in our lives. Jesus, the God Man came to this world to experience what it means to be tempted. He defeated the devil and is now able to identify with us who also face temptation. He is there to help us, to assist us, to give us aide when we are tempted. We but need to call on His Name, trust in His blood, ask for His help and He will carry us through.

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