Thursday, October 25, 2018

Peace in Conflict

Roman 5: 1 Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

A world without conflict will always evade us. Peace is an illusion that we continue reach out to grasp, but always out of our reach. War and conflict go back to the beginning of time, before the foundations of the earth were created. Satan, the arch angel is heaven stood in opposition to God, exerting his will over the will of God. The root of all conflict begins when man is unwilling to submit to its Creator. Peace is never found when man refuses to believe God and trust that He is Lord of all. Christ came to bring peace. Peace in the midst of conflict. The war and battle may rage all around us, but the God’s peace can abide in the heart of man. Coming to terms with our sin and turning to the one who is able to forgive us of our sin, we are made right in the sight of God, and God who reconciles us to Him gives us peace that passes the conflict of this world. Wars and rumors of war will continue till the end of time, but real peace need not evade us. Reach out to the prince of peace, Jesus Christ, the God of peace. 

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