Monday, September 3, 2018

Suffer Persecution

2Tim 3:12- Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 

Through time and history, the church has faced persecution from all that fight against God and the claims of Christ as God. Followers of Christ are seen as bigots and intolerant for they claim that Jesus in the only way to God the Father.  The church has suffered persecution from all those that oppose a God that requires obedience to a moral law. In the face of evil, John the Baptist darned to cross the immoral behavior of the daughter of Herod, for this he was beheaded. We stand today in a world with a philosophy that ever man is doing that which is right in his own eyes. If you dare show any intolerance or judgement of their behavior you are labeled as narrow minded and are ridiculed for your faith. In America, persecution may not show up as physical beating or elimination, but the faith of believers who stand up to truth is belittled and mocked. All those who live godly in Christ will be attached and judged by those who claim that they are tolerant of all people except Christians. With grace, Christian need to stand firm for truth, yet show to the world the love of Christ that is able to bring peace and forgiveness to the hearts of men.

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