Saturday, September 8, 2018

Be Sober, Be Vigilant

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
There’s a part we play in keeping our hearts right before God. As Christians and followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to make every effort to be vigilant and aware of the enemies attack. We don’t want to carelessly walk into one of Satan’s traps due to our failure of letting our guard down. The defeat of the enemy can only be accomplished by God’s might and power.  He is our sword and shield and very help in time of trouble. But failure and defeat often comes when we allow our will to deviate from what God wants us to do. Being sober is to be aware of the temptations around us and to flee the very appearance of evil. It is the grace of God that is able to strengthen us in time of need, when our will power to do what is right is being attacked, we need to lean on Him for help. It is only the grace of God that we our able to be established and settled, but He must have our willingness to be sober and vigilant. 

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