Thursday, December 28, 2017

A Merry Heart

Prov.15:13,15- A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance:…he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.

We have just finished celebrating the birth of Christ and the words, “Merry Christmas” will be stored away until next year. To make merry is to give cheer and create an atmosphere of celebration. A merry heart will cause one to smile and bring cheer to others. We rejoiced because God sent His Son to earth to be a Savior and give hope to a world without hope. It is amazing what a twinkle of eyes and a smile on a face can do to lift the hearts of others. People all around us face things in life that are daunting and uncertain, but a merry heart can bring cheer to all who despair. The life of a Christian should not be one on doom and gloom. Yes we face trails and live in difficult times. but God is able to make our heart merry even when Christmas is over. 

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