Saturday, October 28, 2017

River of Life

Jer. 17:8 For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river,

Drought comes to everyone, Times of distress and unbearable heat. The survival of a plant will depend on it’s source of water. The plant whose roots can tap the water that flows underground, or the plant that can draw from a river near by can survive the heat. The heat of the pressures of life, the heat of conflict, the heat of loss, or the heat of temptation. A tree that reaches the true source of life, and touches the fountain of living water is able to survive the testing of trust. Those who put their trust is God, and not in man’s ingenuity, God will not only keep them from withering  away, but they will continue to bear fruit, and their lives will show the radiance of God’s glory. The heat is indiscriminate, it will affect the ungodly and the godly. Bad things do happen to godly people, but the godly have been planted by the source of living water. They will survive, they will overcome, they will flourish. don’t let the heat of this world destroy you, spread your roots and tap into the River of Life.

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