Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sowing and Reaping

John 4:37 And herein is that saying true, One sows, and another reaps.

It is easy to get discourage sowing the seed of the gospel and not seeing anyone won to Christ by the efforts we make. Weather it is inviting someone to church, or extending the love of God to help someone, God has given all of us a job to do. Ultimately, it is God who gives the increase. Some are given the gift to speak, to engage in conversation to share the grace of God concerning salvation and new life in Christ. Others work hard behind the scenes to show kindness and acts of mercy to people who are not open to preaching, but open to see God’s love demonstrated. Reaping cannot happen without the seed being sowed. If the ground is fertile, the Holy Spirit waters it with conviction. The season for reaping is before us. As we go about planting seed, let us be vigilant to gather the fruit of the harvest for the day draws near and the season will soon be pass.

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