Thursday, August 17, 2017

Mountain Experience

Micah 4:2 …Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,…

Mountains are used through out the Bible to demonstrate different aspect of our spiritual experience. When we are at the top of the mountain we rise above the problems of life and can better see the big picture of life. Climbing the mountain is not without its difficulties. Most of the time in life we are living in the plains of this world, or scaling a mountain to get closer to God. It is good to be able to get to the top and bask in the presences of God and see His glory. But, the reality of life is that we don’t live there 24-7. We wake up each morning and go about living our daily life with new challenges and there are times we wonder where God is. And in it comforting to know that even in the valley we can see the extra footprints that appear in the sand.  There is a mountain experience for all of us. Let us not be weary in well doing, let us keep climbing till we have reached the top. 

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