Monday, July 24, 2017

Community of Believers

Eph. 2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;

Working together as a community of believers will require compromise of preference. Even tho there is a common goal, how we get there can be viewed and achieved differently. We are no longer strangers without common interest. But fellow citizens (a community) of the household of faith. We all having different community that we are apart of. There is the neighborhood community, the work community, the church community, and even a family community. All made up of individuals with different life’s experiences. For a community to work together in harmony, one must be willing to extend grace and understanding to each other. When people insist on having their own way, it no longer become a community, but a kingdom built to oneself. We no longer are servants one to each other, but we become master and tyrants that live life for self. May we learn that for a church to be effective we must fitly work together with the common desire to do the will of God and glorify the Father. 

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