Monday, June 12, 2017

Changed in a Moment of Time

1 Corinth. 15:54,57 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory…through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Changed in a moment of time. The time table is still a mystery to us. We know not the day or time that the trumpet will sound and Jesus will split the eastern sky and return for His bride. Our finite minds that live in this corruptible body cannot fathom the reality of that day. People who have been buried or returned to ashes will arise from this corruptible earth and be changed with bodies that are incorruptible. Immortality on this earth is not obtainable. Man has fantasize the possibility of living in this body without dying. Novels are written with plots of man being immortal. These books are put into the category of “Fantasy” for a reason. God’s word is not a fantasy book. It speaks of things to come. One day it will happen, we who are in Christ, and believe in His return will see the power of God demonstrated. What is seen as unreal will become reality. Death will be removed by the power of Christ. The sting of death is no more for we have been changed to never die again.

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