Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Root of Jealousy

1 Sam 18:9. 12  And Saul eyed David from that day and forward…  And Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with him, and was departed from Saul.

The root of jealousy  finds its origins in the carnal nature of sin. The remedy to rid oneself of jealousy is to deal with the carnal nature within the heart. After God delivers us and forgives us of our sins, there still remains the seed of self that is buried in the heart of each man, women, boy and girl. Self must be put on the altar of surrender. It must present itself a living sacrifice to God. When God shows us what is in our heart, we confess it to God and submit ourselves, believing that the Holy Spirit is able to fill our hearts with perfect love. This work is referred by theologians as sanctification, or holiness of heart. It is a work of grace done in a crisis moment. It is intentional and requires man to make a choice who will be Lord of his life. Holiness of heart does not immune one from temptation of the flesh, it empowers one to be an overcomer of temptation, but daily submitting oneself to the will of God in all matters. Jealousy is not simply overcomes by just thanking God for what He has provided. When one is tempted to be jealous, he is led by the Spirit to flee such thoughts and to be grateful for what God has done and what He has provided. 

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