Monday, November 9, 2015

Praise Him

Psalm 107:31 “ Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!”-
Praise Him in the morning, praise Him at noon, praise Him in the evening, praise Him every moment of the day. My lips shall praise Him for His goodness to me and to my family. Even in the storm, He is good and worthy of praise. Life comes with a lot of emotional ups and downs. We all face times of heartache and disappointment, but God is good and He sees the storm we are in. Storms always bring uncertainty, we may wonder where God is and think He does not care, but God is working to keep us even in the storm of uncertainty. Praise Him for He is God and He is in control and governs the event of this world. Sin is rampant across this land, but God is not taken by surprise. He sees what sin is doing to man, but to them that will praise Him, He will draw near and bring them through this maze of sin. Jesus, our haven of rest in the storm will be with us through it all. Let us put aside our fears and look to Jesus and praise Him for all He has done.

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