Saturday, November 7, 2015

Jesus Only

Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.”-
Jesus only. Salvation from sin, or having your sins forgiven can only be done by God. Who can forgive sins, except He be God. Heaven is prepared for those who’s heart is clean from all unrighteousness through the forgiveness of sin. Jesus, sent from the Father is one with the Father, therefore is equal in essence. Christ paid the ultimate price for sin. He who had no sin because He was God, died to save sinners. The simple message of salvation. If one is a believer in God’s word, then salvation can come by no other means than through Jesus. All roads do not led to heaven. As Christian, we consciously cannot accept that there are many ways to have eternal life. Others may see us as intolerant, and narrow minded. It is not politically acceptable to say that Jesus is the only way to heaven. We live in a day where people are doing what is right in their own eyes. Doing what is right requires us to look through the eyes of God, through His word. What is right? Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou will be saved. He said it, I believe it! Debate over!

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