Sunday, October 5, 2008

Worthy The Lamb

Revelation 5:6-14

On an island, apart from the world, John finds himself a prisoner for Christ. It is on this isolated island that the Revelation of Jesus is made known to this man of God. It is here that John is given to know the mysteries of things to come. Christ is the theme that runs through the whole book. He is the one that in found worthy to reveal all things. All the host of heaven and all who have been redeemed fall to worship Him is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Sealed Books- book…sealed up with seven seals

  • The use of metaphors- Is there actually a book-scroll in heaven?
  • The Revelation- Things to come
  • Unfolding of events- scroll within a scroll each is sealed

Strong Angels – I saw a strong angel

  • Not even a magnificent and powerful angel could open the book
  • Proclamation- Qualification for breaking the seals

Sorrow and Weeping – I began to weep

  • Why does John weep?
  • Trapped on a Island- What will become of him and others
  • Prevented from seeing more of the mind of God
  • Humanity of John- This is the end? Unfilled desires

Slain Lamb – Stood a lamb as been slain

  • Jesus is referred to as a lamb through out the Bible
  • He was the perfect lamb- sacrificed for all of Adam’s race
  • Standing- Alive! Yet his appearance identified Him as the one.

Seven Horns and Eyes –till he establish-arms of His strength

  • Horns- Represent the might and power of the lamb
  • Eyes- Represent the all knowing, all seeing knowledge

Song of the Elders – And They sung a new song

  • Who are these elders? - The Redeemed of the earth
  • The swelling of joy- took them to their knees
  • Harp & Vail = Praise and Prayer in worship
  • The Song- sacrificial death, redemption man, and authority given by Christ to the redeemed.

Shouts and Praise- I heard a voice of many angels

  • The heavens join in the praise of the redemption of man
  • Power, Riches, Wisdom, Strength, Honor, Glory, Blessing.

Sitting on the Throne Be unto Him that sits on the throne

  • Deity of Christ
  • Attributes of God are given to Christ
  • He is the eternal God- Always was, is, and forever will be.

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