Sunday, June 22, 2008

Son of Perdition

2 Thessalonians 2: 1-12
Paul never doubts the Christ will come back again. He is made aware that there are many in the church of Thessalonica who misunderstood the timing of Christ return. He warns them that Satan will first come in the form man and persuade many to lose their faith. But, Christ will return to destroy the work of Satan and restore His kingdom.

Reassurance of His Coming
• Clarify and confirm
• Don’t be led astray to believe just anything
• Was Christ’s coming imminent?
Ruse of Satan
• Take a lie and make it look like truth
• Don’t be fooled, Satan is clever
• Taking truth and twisting it for self
Refusing to Stand- Falling Away
• Sign of His coming- focus no longer on Christ
• Stand for the truth of God- By grace are ye saved
Revealing of Son of Perdition
• Son of ruin souls, damnation, the eternally lost
• Will exalt himself to be God
• Will perform many miracles- Deceiving the elect
• Clothe in righteousness, but full of dead men’s bones
Restraining of the Man of Sin
• God is in control of the affairs of Man
• God holds the reigns, His timing is perfect
• Evil will engulf the world when He is released
Removal of the Wicked One
• Speak the Word and it shall be done
• The Sword which is the Word of God will consume
Rejecters of Truth
• Those who follow the deceiver will also be consumed
• They made a choice not to follow Christ
Reprobate and Lost Souls
• Refusal to let Christ into your heart
• Allowing sin to reign in your life
• Refuse to live by God’s Word- I’ll do it my way
• God will give them over to Satan

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