Sunday, June 29, 2008

Christian Diligence

2 Thessalonians 3: 1-16
Praying for Each Other
• Praying for the household of faith
• Prayer investment- people
Partitioning Our Need
• Priority in Prayer- God’s Kingdom
• Deliverance from all that is evil
• Whatsoever things you have need of…
Preserved By God
• He is faithful to help you become mature in the faith
• Faithful to keep you from sinning
Parting Company
• Pulling away – Disassociating
• Disorderly conduct- not diligent
• They don’t yield the teachings of the doctrine
Pilfering From Others
• Hospitality days are over
• Work for a living
• The church is not a welfare system
Power Over People
• Position of power must be use to serve
• Using our power to be an ensample
Putting One To Shame
• Amish practice this to the letter of the law
• What is the purpose of making one ashamed
• Admonish- advise- alert, caution, reprove, counsel, urge to duty
• They are not enemies Wicked men), but brothers in the Lord
Peace Always Through Christ
• Peace- absences of disturbance, harmonious, calm, orderly
• Can’t we all just get along-conciliatory, amiable
• Follow peace- Strive to live peaceable with all men
• God of Peace is faithful to help us be orderly with strife

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