Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mary, The Mother of Jesus

May 11th, 2008

Mother’s Day, a special day set aside to give tribute to mothers who have bared the God given responsibility to bring new life into this world. This day is to honor mothers for their life and dedication to bring up their children in the fear of the Lord. Mothers are not perfect, but they strive to do their best to bring glory to God by instructing their children to live for God. Like Mary, all mothers can have favor with God.

Mother Highly Favored (Luke 1:28-30)

  • News from an angel
  • The desire of every Jewish women
  • Confounded by the angels words
  • Having favor with God- Do we live to please Him?

Mother’s Heart Kept (Luke 2:46-52)

  • A concern mother for her young
  • A mother’s heart looks after the well being of her young

Mother’s Hurt (John 2:1-5)

  • Time to cut the strings
  • A time to let go and leave them in God’s care
  • We always give honor to parents
  • Obeying and loving God is most important

Mother Honored ((John 19:25-27)

  • God provides comfort in time of suffering
  • Jesus made provision for his mother
  • Children honor your parents

Mother’s Harmony (Acts 1:14)

  • She was with one accord with other
  • In tuned with God through prayer

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