Sunday, May 25, 2008

Comforted and Established

May 25th, 2008

1 Thessalonians 3:1-13

There are many who start out the race who do not finish. They are hindered from finishing for many reasons. Paul is concern that these new born in Christ become established in Christ. He knows that there will be obstacles that they will face that may cause them to turn back to their former ways. It is important that a new Christian be disciple and instructed in the Truth of God’s way. For those who are establish in God, must continue to increase in love toward the love of Christ and others.

News from Abroad

  • Sends Timothy
  • The comfort in knowing
  • Staying informed

New Converts

  • Babes in Christ need nourishment
  • Guided in doctrine
  • Instructed in proper conduct
  • Grow increase in God- draw nigh to God

Never Turn Back

  • Admonition to press on
  • Don’t quit when the roads gets tough
  • Suffering and afflictions will come
  • Satan will attempt to discourage

Need for Fellowship

  • Desire to be with God’s people
  • Forsake not the Assembly
  • Sharing each others burdens

Night and Day Praying

  • The importance of daily devotion
  • Prayer time- mediation- study
  • Thanksgiving and praise

Nature of the Heart

  • To increase in Love toward God and other
  • Establish our heart to live blameless and Holy
  • Only the pure in heart will be ready for His coming

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