Sunday, May 25, 2008

Comforted and Established

May 25th, 2008

1 Thessalonians 3:1-13

There are many who start out the race who do not finish. They are hindered from finishing for many reasons. Paul is concern that these new born in Christ become established in Christ. He knows that there will be obstacles that they will face that may cause them to turn back to their former ways. It is important that a new Christian be disciple and instructed in the Truth of God’s way. For those who are establish in God, must continue to increase in love toward the love of Christ and others.

News from Abroad

  • Sends Timothy
  • The comfort in knowing
  • Staying informed

New Converts

  • Babes in Christ need nourishment
  • Guided in doctrine
  • Instructed in proper conduct
  • Grow increase in God- draw nigh to God

Never Turn Back

  • Admonition to press on
  • Don’t quit when the roads gets tough
  • Suffering and afflictions will come
  • Satan will attempt to discourage

Need for Fellowship

  • Desire to be with God’s people
  • Forsake not the Assembly
  • Sharing each others burdens

Night and Day Praying

  • The importance of daily devotion
  • Prayer time- mediation- study
  • Thanksgiving and praise

Nature of the Heart

  • To increase in Love toward God and other
  • Establish our heart to live blameless and Holy
  • Only the pure in heart will be ready for His coming

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Follower of the Lord

May 18th, 2008

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

There are many people out in the world who inspire others to follow them. They see themselves as leaders for a particular cause. Paul was such a person, but his cause was for others to follow Christ. He always was aware of the awesome responsibility to be an ensample how one should be a follower of Christ. Many looked to him for guidance and direction. As believers, we have a responsibility also to lead others to Christ and live so that others see our good works and desire also to follow Christ.

Greetings from Paul

  • Different than Galatians
  • God’s Blessing and favor

Giving Thanks Always

  • Words of appreciation
  • In all things give thanks
  • Praying for others brings unity

Great Work of Faith and Love

  • Work of faith- Believing God in spite of all
  • Labor of love- Love of God compels-love demonstrated
  • Patience of hope- Never give up

Gospel Power

  • Words are empty without anointing
  • Power comes through believing and prayer

Guide to Christ

  • Ensample unto others
  • Looking to the saint for spiritual direction
  • Pointing others to Christ

God-Ward Faith

  • On the move for God
  • Spreading the Word
  • Always drawing closer to God

Going with God

  • No longer in sin
  • New creature in Christ Jesus

Grace of Deliverance

  • Christ died for our sins
  • Christ rose that we might have life
  • Christ is coming for those who believe

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mary, The Mother of Jesus

May 11th, 2008

Mother’s Day, a special day set aside to give tribute to mothers who have bared the God given responsibility to bring new life into this world. This day is to honor mothers for their life and dedication to bring up their children in the fear of the Lord. Mothers are not perfect, but they strive to do their best to bring glory to God by instructing their children to live for God. Like Mary, all mothers can have favor with God.

Mother Highly Favored (Luke 1:28-30)

  • News from an angel
  • The desire of every Jewish women
  • Confounded by the angels words
  • Having favor with God- Do we live to please Him?

Mother’s Heart Kept (Luke 2:46-52)

  • A concern mother for her young
  • A mother’s heart looks after the well being of her young

Mother’s Hurt (John 2:1-5)

  • Time to cut the strings
  • A time to let go and leave them in God’s care
  • We always give honor to parents
  • Obeying and loving God is most important

Mother Honored ((John 19:25-27)

  • God provides comfort in time of suffering
  • Jesus made provision for his mother
  • Children honor your parents

Mother’s Harmony (Acts 1:14)

  • She was with one accord with other
  • In tuned with God through prayer

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Do Good Unto All Me

May 3rd, 2008

Galatians 6:1-14

The Christian life is more than an experience. It is a life that is lived out one day at a time. Satan will do his best to defeat anyone who starts out to follow Christ. The admonition of Paul is to lift up those who have fallen and succumbed to temptation. The fruit of a spiritual person is manifested and demonstrated by doing good unto all men, sowing seeds of kindness and love to the household of faith and to the world. May we do it all to the glory of God.

Brethren Overtaken

  • Fall to Temptation- Devil seek to destroy
  • Restoration of the believer
  • Spiritual people

Bearing Burdens

  • Ministry of burden bearing
  • Fulfilling the Law of Christ

Bragging and Exalting Self

  • Pride come before fall
  • “Thinking” you are important
  • They will even believe a lie- deceiving self

Burden to Carry

  • We our responsible for our own soul
  • We will stand alone before God to give an account

Bringing Good Words and Works

  • What kind of tiding do you bring?
  • Especially to the household of faith

Benefits of Sowing To The Spirit

  • God will not be mocked
  • The law of sow and reaping
  • Reaping everlasting life- Don’t give up doing good

Boasting of Self

  • “Do as I say, and not as I do”
  • Followers of men and not of God
  • Glory in self- “these are my converts”

Building His Kingdom

  • Glory in the cross
  • Building the Kingdom of God to His Glory