Saturday, October 27, 2007

Perfect Love

1 John 4:7-19
October 28th, 2007

The Love of God how measureless, that I, a sinner should be loved by God who is Holy and Just. How is it possible for man to be filled with such love? It is only through the propitiation of Christ that we are able to have this love dwell within us. Man in his sinful condition, is not capable of manifesting such love to God or to one another. Therefore, If we desire to love as God wants us to love, we must allow Christ to dwell in His fullness in our hearts. “The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost that is given unto us” May divine love rule and reign in our hearts and show it’s fruits in ours lives.

Love that is Mutual
(let us love one another)
• How do we show love one to another?
• Evidence of being born of God- “Behold how they love…”
• If God loved us, we ought to love one another.
Love that Matters ((born of God)
• Divine Love only comes from God
• If you know God, then you will show love
Love that is Manifest (In this was manifested the love of God)
• God’s Love toward man is
• God’s Love is shown through the giving of His Son
• Christ is "the propitiation," because by His becoming our substitute and assuming our obligations He expiated our guilt, covered it, by the vicarious punishment which he endured
Loves Mysteries Unfold (Herby know we)
• Seeing God is only seen through someone who loves God
• The dwelling of God can only abide in a heart of love
• It begin with confessing Jesus as Savior
Love Made Perfect (Herein is our love made perfect)
• Then face to face…then shall I know and be known
• There is no fear (of judgment) to them that abide in perfect love
• We cannot properly love without His love dwelling in us.

A Child of God- Free From Sin

1 John 3:1-10
Oct. 21, 2007
The debate among believers in Christ concerning this subject baffles me. The question weather a Christian can sin and remain a Christian should be easy to answer. God’s Word is clear on this point. Many will try and twist the Word of God to justify their own behavior, but John is incontestable and unequivocal concerning this matter. “He that is born of God does not commit sin.” This does not mean that it is impossible for a Christian to sin, but as long as a Christians abides in Christ, allowing Christ to live and take control, he will not transgress the known will of God. If he does, he does have an advocate with the father, to restore one back into fellowship, but one must petition Christ and asked for forgiveness.
Abounding Love (what manner of love)
• For God so loved…
• His love reaches deeper than the stain of sin
Adopted of God (sons of God)
• Identify as a child of God- part of God’s family
• The world (society w/o God) lack of understanding
Appearing of Christ (He shall appear)
• Doubts of humanity being part of heavenly
• When faith shall become sight- we shall be like him
Acts of Sin (commits sin)
• The duty of man – to be set apart from sin
• Breaking the laws of God is unrighteous
• Sin- a willful transgression against the KNOWN will of God
Away with Sin (take away our sins)
• Jesus, sinless lamb of God made the supreme sacrifice
• Jesus came and died to take away sin
Abiding in Him (whosever abides)
• Christ is the vine, we are the branches
• John 15- If ye keep my commandments…
Affiliating with the Devil (is of the devil)
• Practicing sin is of the devil- One sin or many sins
• Disobedience leads to unbelief- Sin of Adam and Eve
• Unbelief and faithlessness does not please God
Avoiding Sin (does not commit sin)
• Born of God- Marvel not, ye must be born again
• Cannot commit sin if Christ abides within- spiritual life
Attributes of a Child of God (in this the children of God are manifest)
• If you break God’s commandments, you are no longer of God
• Ye shall know them by their fruit. If ye love me keep…
• Manifest by the way we love- Behold how they love…

The Way To God

1 John 1-10
October 7, 2007

One of the foundation truths that must not be compromise is the deity of Christ. Upon this doctrinal truth rest the whole Word of God. He is truly man and truly God. There is none other that is able to provide full salvation that brings man restoration with a Holy God. He died for the sins of man and provided a way for all to live holy in this present world. The essence of a real Christian is not in what he believes about Christ, but knowing Christ as Savior and Lord of their life. In this we know, if we abide in Him, He abides with us.

Witness His Humanity (which we have seen)
• He was from the beginning- all thing came by him (John 1)
• Observation using our senses
Word of Life (of the Word of Life)
• He is the Word (the Logos)
• The Living Word- The Bible speak volumes of Him)
Worshiping together (may have fellowship with us)
• Maintaining fellowship with other believers
• Central focus of our communing together is with God
Writing with a purpose
• Declaring truth to other
• Joy is made full
Walk in the Light (if we walk in the light)
• He is the light we walk in- Follow Christ- His Cross
• Walk in darkness- living in sin
• Light and dark cannot fellowship together
Washed in the Blood (blood of Jesus…cleanseth)
• Staying under the blood of Christ
• The Power of the Blood of Christ
Way to God (confess our sins)
• Condition salvation- not conditional love
• The faithful of God to forgive
• Sin and wickedness is remove- Our sins cast away
Willfulness of Man (if we say)
• The free will of man to decide and choose
• All have sinned and must acknowledge depravity
• God is true and does not deceive or lie

The Whole Duty of Man

Ecclesiastes 11:1-10; 12:1,13,14
Sept. 30th, 2007

The philosophy of man is to get all it can, well they can. Life is short and many choose to live it in sinful self-indulgence and gratifying pleasure. The carefree life style of the youth of our day, and most generation is the epitome of a life, void of fearing God. They go through life without much thought of facing God at the judgment for the deeds done in the flesh. They reason, that such a life of piety and righteous living is for the latter days of their lives. But God say, that the whole of man from youth to old age is to serve and fear God. God has not deprive the youth a life of gaiety, but all must remember that everyone will give an account to God for acts done in the flesh.

Giving of our Substance (cast your bread)
• Giving in faith- God gives the increase
• The principle of giving- because we want to
• “Lord, when did we see you hungry” in so much…
Go and Sow (in the morning sow thy seed)
• What about calculated giving? Are we not to be stewards
• Waiting till the right situation
• If you never sow, you will never reap
Gaiety of the Youth (let thy heart cheer)
• Young people having fun. What is God’s Plan
• The benefits of serving God in our youth- growing mature
• We will give an account for how we spend our days
Gifts of Youth (days of our youth)
• Remember who gave you your gifts
• We our not are own, we belong to God
• Choices that are made in youth have lasting effects
God’s Purpose for man (this is the whole of man)
• What does it all boil down to?
• What really matters in life- money, job, success?
• The being of man is the knowing and living in awe of God
Good and Bad Brought Before God (bring every work)
• All we be accountable to God- Young and old alike
• Facing God at the Judgment without pretense
• We must all appear the judgment seat.. 2 Corith. 5:10