Saturday, June 30, 2007

Job, God’s Servant

Job 1:1-13, 19-22

It is speculated that Job lived before the time of Egypt captivity. He may have even been alive before or during the time of Abraham. Since Job makes no reference to the laws of God given on Mt Sinai, It is safe to say that his knowledge of God was based on his family’s upbringing of the one true God. Job was taught to fear God, abstain from evil, and to always do right. Job lived a prosperous and successful life. Like Abraham, who God blesses, Job was a wealthy man who honored God with his substance. He was a servant of God who understood that he was a steward of God’s earth. The test of Job’s servanthood and devotion to God had not yet come. It is Satan’s desire to cause man to fall and fail, but God desires that men’s faith grow stronger by trusting and giving all things into the hand of God.

Character of Job-
(upright. vs.1)
• He was a man of righteousness- like Noah
• Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom
Cumulation of Wealth- (greatest. vs.3)
• Are riches a sign of God’s blessings?
• The love of money is the root of all evils.
Continual Sacrifice- (continually vs.5)
• Job concern about his family spiritual condition
• Burnt sacrifice- Christ died once and for all.
Coming to the Lord- (Satan came vs.6)
• Sons of God- to give an account
• Satan comes with evil motives
• Like a lion seeking whom he can devour.
Consider Job- (hast thou consider vs.8)
• Putting Job to the test
• God’s faith in Job’s integrity
Curse Predicted- (he will curse thee vs. 11)
• The hedges of God- What are they?
• Accuser of the brethren- Why do we serve Him?
Consent of God- (all he has vs. 12)
• Nothing can happen without the permission of God
Calamity Hits- (they are dead vs. 19)
• The storms of life will test are resolve
• Why bad things happen to good People
Charged not God- (nor charged God foolishly vs. 22)
• Job’s determination to serve, remain a servant of God
• Full consecration to the God’s will without bitterness.

True Christianity

Mark 12:28-34, 38-40

Truth is defined as a verified or undisputable fact. Jesus proclaimed to be the truth. He not only spoke words of truth, but He himself was the essence of truth. True Christianity is to know Him. This goes beyond following a creed of rules or rituals. True Christianity is a relationship that is then manifest by the religion we live. Following the Christian faith or religion in truth requires a prerequisite. One must first be born of God through the Spirit, made a new creature through the sacrificial death of Christ. Accepted and adopted into the family of God. It is only through confession and believing that the blood of Christ can cleanse from all sin that one becomes a true believer in Christianity. The commandments of Jesus to those who follow Him are given to us here in the scripture, to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbors. It is not possible to do this without first coming to Christ, and accepting His forgiveness for the sins of our past. It is only then, can we truly start to serve God and live the religion that Christ taught.

Seeker of Truth vs.28
• Desire to know the truth
• Concluded that Jesus spoke with authority
Serving One True God vs. 29
• There is only one way to God
• He alone is truth
Selfless Love vs.30
• All your heart, soul, mind, strength
• Our affections, being, thinking- intellect, physical body
Second Command vs.31
• Love your everyone as you would want to be loved
Sincere Answer vs. 32-34
• Discreetly- caution, and good judgment, as well as wisdom in looking ahead. Carefully thought out.
Shunning False Religion vs.38,39
• Look out for those who claim to know everything
• Lift themselves up
• Appear to be dressed Holy
• Strive for power and position
Semblance of Righteousness vs. 40
• Take advantage of those who are helpless or easily manipulated
• The focus of their religion is keeping rules
• They have the talk, but not the walk
• They will be judge by God, who knows the heart.

A Father’s Instructions

Proverbs 3:1-12
Our Father in heaven is the perfect example of what God’s wants fathers to be. He Through Christ is the head of the Church. His Word is the final authority. His love and mercy are everlasting. The father is the head of the home with the courage to follow God and raise his family in the fear of the Lord. May he do it with compassion and desire to see his family make it to the city of God.

Rule Book from God- the Law
• Principles for Living
• The final authority
• Love your wife, provoke not your children
Reality of the Word- thine heart
• We must live it
• More than just a good man
• Life centered around Christ
Remember His Word- forsake not
• Teach our children the Word
• They will not depart from it- Conscience will follow them
Reward for Obedience- shall find favor
• Honor is given to those who depend on God
• The fruits of your labor will not go in vain.
Rely on God for Understanding- Lean not
• Trust God for leadership
• Don’t allow “ego” to guide your decisions
• He has promise to show the path
Responsible Steward- with thy substance
• Provide for your household
• Provide for the work of the Kingdom
• Give to God your first fruits-tithe
• God honors a cheerful giver and will reward them
Rod of Correction despise not chastening
• Discipline- teach by corrections
• Not punishment or impunity, but for the purpose of learning a lesson.
• Mode of Correction- Individual temperament
• True love will not let them do whatever they want
• Always confirms with Love and Prayers

True Greatness

Mark 10:35-45
The attributes of being “great” in our society is often marked by some outstanding accomplishment achieve by a man or women. We study about “Great Men” in history and “Great Women” who helped shape this country. As we reflect on Biblical history, from Genesis to Revelation, we see “Greatness” scattered throughout the pages of scripture. We marvel at Noah’s great ability to build the Ark, Abraham’s faith to step out under the stars to begin a new nation, and Solomon’s great wisdom to discern right and wrong. Many people today aspire to be great and to make a difference in today’s world. There are those who seek greatness because they crave popularity, power, or position. Jesus teaches us that those types of people will have their reward on earth, but will count for nothing in eternity. Contrary to the world’s viewpoint, Jesus, defines true greatness, “whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister, and whosoever of you will be the chief, shall be servant of all” Greatness is not for a selected few, greatness can be achieved for whosoever will.
Asking amiss- vs.35
• What we desire- did not Christ admonish to do so?
• Discerning the will of God in are asking
Aspiration to greatness- vs.37
• Grant that we may sit- motivation to be exalted
• Climbing the latter of “success”
Ambition is checked vs. 38
• Ye know not what you ask- Blind to their condition
• Jesus knows our needs better than we know them
Ability declared vs. 39
• We can! Self reliance
Acknowledgment of the Savior vs. 39
• Ye shall indeed. Looking beyond the present
Assent given to the Father vs.40
• Is not mine to give- Not my will, but thy will be done
Ascendancy of rules vs. 42
• Gentiles exercise lordship- authority over other
• The world’s view of greatness
Acquiring greatness vs. 43, 44
• Shall be servant of all- living to serve
• Humility- No job is too little for those who serve
• The path to true greatness is following His example
Atonement for all vs.45
• Ultimate act of servant hood
• We who were with hope/helpless died to give us hope