Monday, May 28, 2007

Divine Nourishment

Mark 8:1-9, 14-21

To sustain the body to be healthy and strong, it is imperative that one takes time to nourish themselves with food and water. These basic necessities of life are essential for survival and must not be neglected if we are to grow and live healthy lives. God made humanity with a body and a soul. The till of the ground has provided man with food to sustain the body. But man cannot survive with bread alone. He must also nourish the soul. Jesus, who is the bread of life and true source of divine nourishment, had sent out the invitation to come and dine. This divine food from heaven is the source of our spiritual substance and is essential to our spiritual growth and eternal survival. Jesus said, “He that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled” We often crave and long for certain foods, but how often do we crave for the bread of Life and divine nourishment for heaven?

Calling of the disciples vs.1
• Minister to those in need
• Obligation to feed those who are in need
Compassionate Christ vs. 2-3
• The Love of Jesus how measureless
• Looking through the eyes of Christ
Complications arise vs. 4
• Obstacles that we will face
• Humanly this is not possible, but with God
Charge of the Savior vs. 6, 15
• He is the answer to all are needs
• Trust and obey- “Whatsoever He saith, do it”
Control of the circumstance vs. 5-7
• We must let go and let Him be in control
• He still desires to use us as vessels for His glory
Contamination of truth vs.15
• Beware of those who are able to twist the truth
• Just because it looks delicious, does not mean it will satisfy
Consider and Call to mind the miracles vs. 17-21
• How quickly we forget what God has done
• Understanding the spiritual world
• He desires that we have a present and active faith
• The Holy Spirit will lead us to remember

Crying Out To Jesus

Mark 7:24-37

In desperation, it is not uncommon for people to cry out for help. The cry it not always a literal shout or calling out. It often is the silent aching of the soul that looks for fulfillment or searches for answers to life’s many questions. Crying implies that there is a demonstration of strong emotions and a tense focus on a particular need. There is a singleness of mind and determination to get the attention of someone to give aid or warn of pending danger. Everything else in life fades when compared the immediate need. Through out the Word of God we find examples of men and women crying out to God for help. In almost all situations, the person finds themselves unable to help themselves. David, the great Psalmist gives us many examples of such desperate calling out to God for help. “My heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God”. Psalm 84:2b. In our lesson today, we find a women crying out to Jesus to free her daughter from unclean spirits. In the other example, a group of concern individuals beseech Jesus to bring healing to the deaf and dumb man. In both cases, Jesus saw their need and faith in Him to answer.
Proclaiming of Christ –vs.25 (she heard of Him)
• How can they hear unless someone tells

Pursuing a remedy- vs.25 (she came)
• She went out looking
• Searching in the right place- Must be more than sincerity
Prostrated before Christ- vs.25 (fell at His feet)
• Realize her inadequacy
• Be merciful to me a sinner- Only Christ is able
Pleading for a need- vs.26, 32
• She besought Him
• They beseeched Jesus
Putting her in her place- vs.27 (it is no meet)
• All have sinned- Unrighteous before God.
• We must humble ourselves- He shall lift us up
Persistent in prayer- vs.28 (yes Lord, yet)
• Holding on and willing to take whatever God has for us
• Importunity- We must not let up- “ I will not be denied”
Procuring through divine intervention- vs. 29, 33, 34
• Let God decide how to solve the problem- “He said”
• His way is best- Let go and let God be God- “He spit”
Promise from the Savior- vs.30 (devil gone out) vs.35 (he spake)
• From the lip of Christ- He said it.
Publishing the works of Christ- vs. 36 (they published it)
• It is only natural to let others know.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Honoring Mothers

Proverbs 31: 1—15, 20-31
The recognition of honoring mothers goes back to ancient Greece history. Much celebration at this time was given over to idol worshipping of the goddess. During the 1600’s, England set aside a special day called “Mothering Sunday” this special celebration was recognize in very much the same way it is done today. President Wilson in 1914 officially proclaimed a national holiday to honor all mothers.
What does it mean to give honor? We live in a day where honor of any kind is a scares attribute. When a nation ceases to honor God and country, it has lost the respect to properly give honor where honor is due. As Christians, we are commanded to honor our mothers. Not because they are the “perfect mother” but, because they are God’s chosen to bare the seed of His creation. A Christian mother is a special gift that we especially need to take time to give our love and appreciation. A mother that fears God is always striving to be the best she can to see that her children live for God. In my mind, that is a “virtuous women” As mothers, fathers, and children, we strive not for perfection in behavior, but for obedience to the perfect will of God.

Christian Mothers:
M- maternal nurturing love to her children
• Protection of her offspring
• It is not normal to disregard and abuse
O- others come first
• Sacrifices her own needs- rising early to prepare for the day
• Making sure her own children have their needs met
T- thoughtful and considerate to others
• Bearing the fruits of the Spirit
• Always thinking how this will effect others
• Find ways to ease the burden for others
H- home is empty when mom is gone
• Her home is filled with joy and warmth
• A house without a mother’s touch remains just a house
E- everyone is a priority
• She loves her child equally- no favorites
R- Remember all those special occasions
• Hallmark could not stay in business
S- Serves God, family, and the church
• Idleness is far from her
• She fears the Lord and her life is centered around God.
• Her desire to see her children serve God
• Always praying for God’s will to be done
• Her children rise up to honor her

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Religion of The Pharisees

Mark 7:1-13

Religion can be define as, “something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience”. In respect to a religious organization, religion is seen as, “a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects”. The beliefs and practices are generally derived from a source that is believed to be from some higher power. Often this source in spoken through some human who proclaims to be God’s messenger to mankind. The essence of a true religion is based on the validity and authenticity of the messenger. Is he truly God’s mouthpiece, or is he a false prophet that is diluted and full of self grander?
The Pharisee’s proclaim a religion that originated with Abraham and Moses. Based on the veracity of God’s Word, the messengers were true men of God. But, the Pharisee’s twisted their words to serve their own purposes. Jesus, undaunted by the Pharisee’s accusations faced them with their hypocrisy and called it for what was, “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own traditions… Making the Word of God of none effect”.

Fault Finding (vs.2)
• Remove the beam from your own eye first
• Often practice to excuse one’s own failure to live right
Faithful to Traditions (vs.3)
• Understanding the rightful place of traditions
• The hands are clean, but the heart is dirty
Far from God (6)
• Giving only lip service
• Motives are self-centered- not done to the glory of God
False Worship (vs.7)
• Vain worship- pretense of worship
• That they may be seen of men
Failure to Keep God’s Commandments (vs. 8)
• Laying God’s Word aside for a rule book
• The power of God’s word is non existent
Forgetting the essentials (vs. 10, 11)
• Substituting “Corban” as an excuse not to follow the essentials
• What does God require? “Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly
Freedom from the Yoke of Bondage (Galatians 6:1-14)
• No longer in bondage to regulations- Not saved by works
• Freedom to follow the check of the Holy Spirit
• Love and liberty to serve God unhindered by the root of Sin