Saturday, December 30, 2006

The New Heaven and a New Earth

2 Peter 3:9-18

The scripture is clear about the destruction of this world. As it was in the day of Noah, where God destroyed the earth with water, He now will bring all things to an end with fire. This world is not our home we are only passing through. We seek not for a city here on earth, but a city to come where He rules and reigns. Knowing this, we ought to live soberly, righteously, and look diligently for His soon return. The question we should be asking is, are we ready for that day?

God is not Slack
• Negligent or remiss concerning the promises he gives
• Man’s promises are weak and feeble and lack certainty
• God is patient with His creation
• God’s desire is that all men come to know Him
• Concerning the judgment of the earth- Destroyed
Seeing-By Faith
• The earth will be destroyed
• We our pilgrim, only passing through
• Life is like a vapor- here and gone in a moment
• We need to live holy and godly, else we become consumed
• Life after this world passes away- After we pass away from this world
Don’t be Slack
• Be on guard, be alert and diligent
• How will God find you- Peace of God? Without sin, clear conscience toward man and God
Paul also Speaks of these things
• Confirming the truth
• Difficult, but not impossible to understand
• Become students of the Word- Study to show…
Steadfast is the Lord
• Beware of those who will lead you to believe different
• Remain firm in the doctrine that was taught by Paul and those who learned at Jesus feet
• Continue to grow and become more like Him
• Resolve that you will live closer to God, even more so as you see the day approaching.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Word was made Flesh

John 1:1
Before God made the world and created man as a fleshly creature to oversee His creation, the Son coexisted with God the Father. His nature was one with the Father coexisting eternally as part of the Godhead. In the fullness of time, God’s eternal plan to redeem fallen man was put into action. The Son was sent. In a world of fantasy, our mind may somewhat be able to grasps such a process, But, this is not fantasy, this is a reality that time and history has recorded. Jesus Christ left His rightful place sitting at the right hand of the Father to condensed to this world to live among sinful men. He came with one thought in mind. To be the supreme sacrifice, the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world.
The Word
• From the beginning with God
• Coexisted with God
• Deity of the Word- He was God
The Creator
• He is given credit for Gen 1
• Life is created by the life giver
• He came not to bring death, but life
• He was life and this life would guide men to God
The Light
• The Light penetrates and dispels the darkness
• Men in darkness do not understand this light
• It defy all what man has known- “Self”
The Witness
• John prepared the way
• He pointed others to Him- Behold the Lamb”
• He testified that Jesus was the light (life) sent to this world
The Rejected One
• His own creation did not know Him
• He was rejected by His creation
The Accepted One
• There would be a few select that would receive Him
• They would become sons of God- Being Born of the Spirit
The Incarnate One
Affirmation of God’s divine plan- He became a man- The witness of Him as the God-man- full of grace and truth

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Christian Progress

2 Peter 1:1-11

Review: The key to spiritual victory is by listening and submitting ourselves one to another. Being established in the Lord does not happen with two trips to the altar. It is a growing and maturing process. Those who are spiritual have a responsibility to nurture those young in the faith. New believers need to be willing to submit to God and His leadership. We all must be ready and watching for Satan is out to seek and destroy, but we have a mighty God who has given us the Holy Spirit to help us through every battle and come out victorious!

Precious Faith
• Obtaining- the abiding Christ
• Through the righteousness of God, not man
Precious Grace and Peace
• A peace that the world can not give
• Knowing God- Not about God, but intimate knowledge
• Come to the Father, through Christ
Precious Life
• Through His power and Grace we are made alive
• He has given all thing to us to make it through
• By knowing Him we can be Godly in Christ
Precious Promises
• The promise are exceeding and great
• These promise give us access to God and His nature
• Give us the power to escape the traps of the enemy
Progress made in Christ
• Giving all diligence- giving attention to, stay on top of it.
• Add to your faith- purity- heart
• Knowledge- Mind- the Word of God
• Temperance- Emotions- self control
• Patience- waiting- the ability to control your impulses-temp
• Godliness- Christ centered- O to be like thee- reflection of God
• Kindness- Hard to be kind when your not satisfied with life. Thoughtfulness- thinking of others first and their well-being. How can we show kindness to one another. Don’t allow your emotion to take control- frustration
• If we have not Love we have not Christ. Now abideth…..

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Key to Spiritual Victory

1 Peter 5:1-11

Review: The last two lessons, living as a Christian, and being a good steward. What applicable and practical lessons were learned?

The Key- The combination of “actions” making it possible to enter. In this case, we want to enter into a life of spiritual victory, where we can maintain a right relationship with Christ at all times. What “tumbler-cut” combination is needed to see us through to eternity?

What does it mean to be established in the Lord?
Steadfast in the ways of God
Faithful and loyal to the Lord
God can depend on you.
Circumstances in life will not separate you from the love of God.
Your life is centered around Christ and what He values.
Lastly, you are totally submitted to God and to others.

Peter’s addresses the Gentiles in Asia Minor:
The Responsibility of the church leaders (elders)
Feed those who God put under your care- Nurturing them
Oversee- protect from pitfall allow the way- Warn them
Motivated by compassion, not control or favor- Love them
Leader, not a task master- Lead them.
The Response of the newborn (young in the faith)
Submit to the teaching of the elders (this assumes the above)
Submit one to another. Preferring one another.
Spirit of humility- clothing- you are identify by what you wear.
Stay humble before God
Total surrender to God- Give it all to God- Cast it all to Him
The Readiness of the believer- Stay alert- Watch out!
Be sober- a sharp mind and not impaired or distracted. Serious.
Be vigilant- Alert and awake and keenly aware of danger
Resist the devil and remain steadfast to the truth
The Resources of the believer
The God of all grace
He knows what you are going through
He is able to make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you