Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Letter of Recommendation

Ye are epistle of Christ
Corinthians 3:1-18
Paul is writing to those who profess to be followers of Christ. It is admirable to desire to be an Epistle of Christ, but such is not possible without a born again experience, a personal relationship with Christ and a knowledge that all your sins have been confessed and forgiven through His blood atonement. We live in a day when people do not want to confess their need, they approach God with the attitude that they are going to “turn a new leaf,” start living right, or make some conciliatory adjustment to the way they are living. They rely on their past experience of knowing what is right and wrong. If they will only start to do what is right, then God will find them acceptable. It is too humiliating to confess that they have done wrong and too painful to admit fault and ask for forgiveness from God or from those they have sinned against. Jesus said, “Marvel not, ye must be born again” Dear people, can you point to a time where this experience took place in your life? If not, you are only building on doctrine and law, and as we have read in this scripture lesson today, such foundation does not bring life. In order for this passage of scripture to really apply to your life, you must first give your life to Christ in full confession and complete surrender.

When applying for a job, you often are required to submit a letter of recommendation to your potential employer. Such letters are a reflection of your character and work ethic. When asking people to write a letter, we often will ask someone who knows us well and will write something positive. It is not likely that we would ask someone who we have had conflicts with to write a letter for us. For such a person, no doubt, would write something that would keep us from getting the job, weather it was true or not.
I’m often asked to write letters for students and other teachers. Because of my conscience nature, I sometimes find it difficult to recommend that person to the position they are applying.
Examples of letter:
Student who was good students, but would not always follow through on what they were ask to do.
Student who was a good student in my class, but occasionally who be disruptive and off task, especially in his other class. I often feel like I have qualify my statements.
A teacher who I managed to get along with, but I knew how most people found her to be very unpleasant.
Then there are those that without a doubt , I can recommend, knowing they will get the job done and be everything that I said they would be
Mrs. Miller-competent in her subject, good rapport with her students, Great team member who is willing to collaborate with others, goes the extra mile and not just a job where she puts in her 8 hours. I highly recommend her and we will be losing one of our best!

I ask you the questions? Do people have to qualify letters written about you, or can one be written without hesitation about your character and work ethic? We are known and read of all men. You have heard, that the only Bible people may ever read, will be the life you live. Can your life be recommended to others as a life lived in Christ? Paul said, “Ye are declared to be epistle of Christ” A letter made alive recommending Christ to others.

Letter reveal a lot about a person. (Reflect on letters received from my uncle in Vietnam. Letter received from my brother in the navy.)

On the Internet, there are forums where people write “letter” or give their opinion. It is amazing how an attitude or spirit can be betrayed through the written words of people.

What kind of letter are you writing?
Letters that reflect the truth and are unequivocally stated
Our live reflect an attitude and spirit that can be sense by people around us.
Letters that are difficult to read because the writing is not clear.
Do you have a clear testimony?
Can you be read of all men, or is there confusion

Letters that lift up and bring good news
Does your epistle of Christ uplifted when you are around
To you bring hope to the situation or despair

A letter that has purpose and meaning.
Paul writes about being Ministers of the New Testament.
Our lives should be written by the Spirit of God who gives life, not by the Law of Moses that kills- Not judgmental and accusing

A letter that is open for examination and critiquing
Being honest, before all men, as an open book. No locked chapters. No pretense and real.

Do you have a spell check?
The checks of the Holy Spirit
Are you willing to be reworded or corrected?
What is your attitude toward correction?
Who does he think he is? I like to revise him!
Personal story- Quad Cities-Living in Iowa- Hair too long

Can your letter be used to point others to God and His likeness? Does your life reflect the true sense of Christianity? Does your testimony ring true and can be clearly be read of all men? How relevant are you? Are their goals and focus in your life, or do you live with no real purpose? Can you be recommended to the Father? Have you been sealed by the Holy Spirit? May God help us to be epistle of Christ, living to be read by all men.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Practice of Gratitude

Psalm 136
Psalm 92 “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord”

His Goodness
• He is Holy
• He defines Good-“God is good by His own essence. God is not only good in His essence, but good by His essence. He is essentially good by His own essence; therefore, good of Himself; therefore, eternally good; and therefore, abundantly good.” (Paul Mizzi)
• Everything He does is good. To say that God is bad, the opposite of good, is to say that He is not God at all. For every good gift comes from the Father above which there is no variableness of turning. Thank God for breath of life given to all men
• Goodness is not synonyms with mercy. Mercy implies that the recipient of mercy is indebted and desires forgiveness for his debt. And God’s mercy, reached down to man and shows mercy. Mercy is an extension of God’s Goodness.
• God is so good. Thank God for His holiness, righteousness, and His bountiful blessing toward ALL men.
His Greatness
• The wonders of His creation- we only need to look at the vastness of the heavens, how they declare His Glory. Search out the invisible through the eyepiece of a microscope to see the greatness of God’s creation. How foolish is man, to think that such wonder come about through chance. I will choose to thank God for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. For marvelous are thy works. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone. How great thou art!
• He is Omnipotent-No mere man can conceive of God's might; God himself alone comprehends it. Man's power is limited, his measuring rod is too short to acquire a proper idea of the incomprehensible omnipotence of God. He acts what He wills by His will. What manner of man is this? For even the wind and waves, obey Him. Let us give thanks for his great wonders!
His Guidance
• He is our light- In a world of darkness, He provide a path that shows the way. As He did with the children of Israel, the pillar of fire will give us directions.
• He is our shepherd- “Gentle shepherd, come and led us” If we follow the great shepherd of our soul, He will protect us from the predators of this world.
• You don’t have to be lost and confused about the will of God, Thank God, He has provided direction through His word and Holy Spirit.
His Gift
• God so Loved- He gave. His love for you and me set in motion the greatest sacrifice every known unto man.
• It is a free gift of God by grace- The 1st Adam brought death, the 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ brought the gift of life. By the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men that all men may live and be justified before God.
• It is not by works lest any man should boast, it is the gift of God.
• If you are tempted to complain, stop and give thanks. Thank God for this gift of life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus.
His Grace
• Split the vail in two- Made it possible to commune with God
• He did not forget us- In our low estate, unworthy
• He bought us back-Hosea bought Gomer back
• He desires a relationship-The prodigal son
His Graciousness
• He Supplies all our needs according to His riches in Glory
• His kindness toward his creation- Ye being evil, how much more God being good will give them that ask.
• We bow our heads in gratitude to give thanks for our daily provisions.
• Count your blessings one by one.
Gratitude- it is a good thing. The next time you find yourself being dissatisfied with your circumstance, reflect on his Goodness, consider His Greatness, rejoice in his Guidance, contemplate His Gift of life, marvel in His Grace, and be grateful for his Graciousness.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

As Strangers and Pilgrims

1 Peter 2:11-25
Review: Hope is made alive by the resurrection of Christ. He calls on us to wait with patience and accepting the trails we face as a test of our faith in that hope. It is in the trails that God can help us to grow and add to our faith. Please be patient, God is still working on me and no doubt, He is still working on you.

Temporary Dwelling
• We our only sojourners
• The balance- So heavenly minded, not earthly good
• Set you affections and treasures above
Temptation of the Flesh
• The pull of the world- the devil will work on our weak
• We must be masters over our natural fleshly desires
Testimony to the World
• The world is watching to see how you live
• We ought to please God 1st regardless of what the world thinks
• We are judge by God’s standard, not the world
Total Submission to God and Man
• Obeying the rules of man- Keeping the law
• We ought to obey God…. Make sure it is God, not you
• Honor those who are in authority- Your duty
• Subject yourself to the good boss and bad boss
Thankworthy in God’s sight
• Your actions will be honored by God
• Suffer for the Cause of God and not your mistakes
Taking up the Cross
• Jesus was persecuted for doing good.
• Follow His example- We should follow His footsteps
• Jesus did not retaliate when spoken against
• O’ To Be Like Jesus…
The Tree of Life
• His death on the tree brought forth life to all
• As pilgrims we must also take up the cross and follow
• True life and happiness comes only when we yield to God our all and see this world as a temporary dwelling place

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Our Lively Hope

1 Peter1: 3-12
Review: Waiting on God through prayer requires that we submit to God and have a heart that will forgive. Bitterness and un-forgiveness are on one of the greatest hindrance in seeing God answer prayer. We cannot earnestly and effectually see God work when our own hearts hold grudges and feeling of contempt.

The Abundant Mercy of God
• Again and again God is reaching down to us
• Hope that is alive and real- What do you hope for?
• Made possible by His resurrection

Anticipation of Heaven
• A place that will not fall apart or crumple
• A holy place
• It will be forever
• Prepared and reserved for those in Christ

Acceptance of Trial
• We rejoice even in our trials
• Tried by fire- Testing our faith in our hope
• We may be found still praising God

The Appearing of Jesus Christ
• Faith rolls back like a scroll
• Our faith become sight
• Rejoicing- The life of a Christian
• The end of faith- Our eyes shall behold Him

Attested by the Prophets
• They looked for the Christ to come
• By faith, they looked to future for coming
• We now see the fulfillment of what they said would come
• We can look back by faith that He came.

The Angels Curiosity
• A Holy God reaching down to unholy man
• God set men free from the bondage of sin