Saturday, February 8, 2025

Interest of Others

 Philip 2:5
 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Another way to say this is, ”not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interest of others.” This is the mind of Christ that He wants to stamp on each one of our lives. The world philosophy is to look out for self, because no one else will. When James says, The wisdom of this world is not from above, but is earthly and full of strife. Looking out for self and self-interest is contrary to the way God wants Christians to live. This applies to individual lives as we interact daily with people around us. We are aware that if we don’t take care of ourselves, we are no good at helping others. This is why, on the airlines, they tell you in an emergency to make sure you put your mask on yourself first before helping children. The interest in self is motivated by being the best we can so that we can effectively help others in need. Our self-interest is to be strong in our faith, be secured in our conviction of God’s word, and be filled with His Spirit. This will allow us to reach out in love and humility to help others who need a helping hand. In our daily lives, this will require that we sacrifice our own desires so that others can be helped. Paul says it this way, ”Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another.” (Roman 12:10). Putting this into practice is done as we open our heart to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to lead us and open the opportunities to put the interest of others first.

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