Monday, July 8, 2024

Eternal Life and Punishment

 Mat 25:46
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Matthew chapter 25 is filled with compare and contrast illustrations. We had ten virgins, five had oil in their lamps ready for the return of the bride, and five did not. Then there's the parable of the talents. There were those who invested wisely and those who did not. The destiny of their eternal soul was determined by how they invested what was given to them by their master. The parables illustrate that it is not enough to say you believe in God, but action speaks louder than words. The final story that Jesus tells does not say it is a parable, but a prophecy. The King will return to earth some day and final judgment will be given, and the destiny of the souls of people will be handed out. There will be those whose hearts are filled with love for God and others, and those who say they love God, but they live to please themselves, and turn a blind eye to those who are hurting and helpless. Many would like to use this passage of scripture to support the idea that good works and being a good person is all that is needed to have eternal life. But Jesus is speaking to his followers. There is more to eternal life than saying, “Lord, Lord.” Faith in Jesus is essential, but faith without works is dead. The debate of eternal salvation after a person confesses Christ comes into question with the words of Christ in Matthew chapter 25. There will be those who will not make it into heaven, and it will not just be those who live wicked lives. It will be a harsh reality to see that a person who experiences the forgiveness of sin will stand before God and find that they are on the left side of the judgment seat because they failed to live for Christ. It goes without saying that God and God alone is the final judge. It is our responsibility to be a true follower of Christ and do unto others as Christ has done for us. May we be found on the right side of the seat with the sheep, and hear the words of the King. "Enter into life everlasting."

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