Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Eyes of the Lord

 Proverb 15:3
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

The omnipresence of God is one of His deity's attributes. He is everywhere, present in all situations, and sees not only what happens in the visual world, but sees what is in the heart of man. He sees the evil that is happening in the world today. The perversion of humanity, calling good evil and evil good. He saw evil in the days of Sodom and Gommorah and did not tolerate the sinfulness of that day. He sees the wokeness of our day and His eyes are heavy with sorrow. His heart breaks to see that many have become reprobates, turning away from the truth of His word to their own desires, fulfilling the lust of the flesh. Yes, God sees the heart, and His holiness will judge rightly. He is a God of grace and forgiveness. He will not turn away a heart that desires to turn toward that which is good and righteous. He beholds those who are seekers after righteousness and seek that which is good. There is nothing that is hidden from Him. “ If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea.” (Psalm 139:8-9) He not only sees us, but he is there with us. The eyes of the Lord are never deceived or tricked, they are perfect and can see things that man cannot see. We can be assured that His eyes are on us.  The songwriter penned this so accurately.  “For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.” For the eyes of the Lord are in every place.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Speaking With Grace

 Col 4:6
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Think before you speak. The words you speak can be hurtful or helpful. They can come across as harsh or gentle. We are admonished to speak with wisdom to those who are non-believers. How and what you say will impact their willingness to listen to what God’s word has to say. There are times when one must speak with authority and firmness, but it should never be done with malice and hate. Speaking with grace is allowing the Holy Spirit to take control and let Him speak through you. Being a follower of Christ is to consider how Jesus would speak. When speaking to the religious leaders that were using their “spirituality” to hide their wicked heart, He uncovered their sin with righteous indignation. His speech was revealing and convicting. Their hearts were exposed to their uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness for power. Yet to the woman who was caught in adultery, He spoke with divine grace, “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.” We are given the opportunity every day to show the grace of God to a messed up world lost in sin. We must always bear in mind that we may be the vessel God chooses to use to reach someone who is hurting and needs to hear us speak with love and grace.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Outward and Inward Christians

 1 Sam 16:7

..for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

The truth of this scripture is often misinterpreted by others to turn a blind eye to outward appearances. If we are strictly speaking of the clothes we wear and our physical appearance, then it can be argued that you cannot judge a book by its cover. The character of a person should never be judged on what a person looks like. It is natural for us to judge outwardly because we have bias and experiences that may influence our judgment. We can’t see the motives of people’s hearts, so we make the best judgment based on previous knowledge. Outward appearances can be deceiving. Jesus made this clear when he exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisee. “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto white sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.” Jesus was not saying that followers of Christ should not look beautiful outwardly, but was teaching that real beauty is found in the hearts of men. On the flip side, scripture teaches us that what God has done on the inside, will show itself on the outside. If we observe a person who uses foul language and profanity, we make a judgment that this person does not have Jesus in their heart. Why? Jesus said. “But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.” James writes, “Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.” As Christians, our outward appearance and behavior is important to God. We are to be an example to others in word and deed. Our influence can encourage others to turn to God, or it can be a stumbling block. It is not our responsibility to go around with a checklist critiquing people, for truly, God only knows the hearts of men, but it is our responsibility to make sure that our outward appearance matches up the standard that God has given to us in His word. May we let our outward lives and appearance reflect what God has done for us inwardly.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Eternal Life and Punishment

 Mat 25:46
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Matthew chapter 25 is filled with compare and contrast illustrations. We had ten virgins, five had oil in their lamps ready for the return of the bride, and five did not. Then there's the parable of the talents. There were those who invested wisely and those who did not. The destiny of their eternal soul was determined by how they invested what was given to them by their master. The parables illustrate that it is not enough to say you believe in God, but action speaks louder than words. The final story that Jesus tells does not say it is a parable, but a prophecy. The King will return to earth some day and final judgment will be given, and the destiny of the souls of people will be handed out. There will be those whose hearts are filled with love for God and others, and those who say they love God, but they live to please themselves, and turn a blind eye to those who are hurting and helpless. Many would like to use this passage of scripture to support the idea that good works and being a good person is all that is needed to have eternal life. But Jesus is speaking to his followers. There is more to eternal life than saying, “Lord, Lord.” Faith in Jesus is essential, but faith without works is dead. The debate of eternal salvation after a person confesses Christ comes into question with the words of Christ in Matthew chapter 25. There will be those who will not make it into heaven, and it will not just be those who live wicked lives. It will be a harsh reality to see that a person who experiences the forgiveness of sin will stand before God and find that they are on the left side of the judgment seat because they failed to live for Christ. It goes without saying that God and God alone is the final judge. It is our responsibility to be a true follower of Christ and do unto others as Christ has done for us. May we be found on the right side of the seat with the sheep, and hear the words of the King. "Enter into life everlasting."

Friday, July 5, 2024

Spiritual Blessings

Eph. 1:3
 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Often, at the end of a written communication, the salutation of the writer ends their writing with, “God bless you.” To be blessed by God is to have the favor of God and His good will. Many view the blessing of God as the material possessions that they have been given, or the good health they may have. It is true that every good thing comes from the Father above. James writes, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” We are to be thankful for these gifts that are given to us. But, the abundance of material health does not indicate God’s favor or blessing. The most important blessings that are given to us are spiritual blessings.  The blessing that comes to us from the Father through Christ. The forgiveness of sin, being free from guilt of sin, the peace that passes understanding, and the unfailing love of God. The Spiritual blessings are not of this world and are not seen by those who are spiritually blind. This is why a person who has lost everything this world has to offer can say, “God is good, and He is blessing me.” Our blessings transcend the treasures of this world, for our treasure is set on things above in heavenly places. So, even when life is difficult, and you don't see God working, He is there, and His spiritual blessings are all around us.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Edify the Church

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;  For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

As Christians, we are charged to spread the gospel of Jesus, and to share the grace of God to a lost world. It is the great commission given to us by Jesus before He ascended back to the Father. But, we have also been charged with edifying the church, the body of Christ to grow and learn to be more like Jesus. It is given to each one of us to ask God what we can do to help edify the church. It is not enough to just go to church and sing the hymns, lift our hands in praise, and soak in God’s presence. God calls each one of us to be a part of the ministry of building each other in Christ. The old days of looking out for self have been put away. God’s Spirit now pushes us forward to be partakers of this ministry. I believe that is why it is so important to be a part of a body of believers who are like-minded in heart and desire to live according to God’s word. Yes, the church is more than just a building or an organization, and the label on the church door is not so important as the label that God has stamped on our hearts. Edification, or the building up of faith and love, is not done in isolation. The Lord may call some to make the world their mission field, and spend their life sharing the good news, but their call is no greater than those He has called to serve in the local church to edify believers to live holy and learn to love. What this will look like is different for each of us. Find that calling, ask God, “What will you have me to do to help edify the body of Christ, the church.”