Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Power of God in Us

 Eph. 3:20
Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

We recently lost power to our house during a windstorm. The energy transformed into electricity gave light in our house when darkness came. It provided power to the fans that blew warm air through our home, and kept the refrigerator compressor running to keep our food from spoiling.  Without the power, we were left in the dark to make the best of it. Power is defined and demonstrated in various ways. It can also be seen as the ability to overcome or command a situation. Jesus said, “You shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” What was this power? Why would Christians need to have this power? The work that God has given each one of us is not done with human ingenuity or power. We offer God ourselves as an empty vessel to be used by Him. He fills us with the power given to us by the Holy Spirit to accomplish the work of the Kingdom. God is able to exceed abundantly all that is needed when we allow HIm to work in us. Without His power, we are like a house without any lights, we wander in darkness trying to figure things out through our human means. God gives us power to live a life of holiness. There is power in the blood of Jesus. He gives us power to be witnesses to a world lost in darkness. Power to pray that the Holy Spirit will convict men and women of sin. For the Christian, the power to overcome trials, tribulation, and hardship. The power works in us as we open our heart to God believing that He is able to do all things according to His purpose. 

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