Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Thorns of Carnality

 Matt 13:7
And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up and choked them.

The thorns in our lives that keep us from growing in our faith and grace take on many shapes. The main throne that keeps our roots from getting firmly established and grounded in the Lord is the thorn of carnality. Carnality is not a popular topic among many progressive thinking “Christians”. Many feel it is a thorn that can’t be removed, we just need to keep them from overtaking us. But scripture says, “The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be (Roman 8:7). This thorn keeps many from growing and being all that God desires one to be. The carnal mind is pulled toward self and the desires of the flesh. It seeks to make sure that self is first and is cared for. Paul said we are to present ourselves a living sacrifice to God, fully surrender our heart, soul and mind to the will of God. Take self off the throne and put Christ first in our lives. This work of living sacrifice is also called sanctification. Allowing God to set us up apart, making us a holy vessel for His service. The Holy Spirit is given right away to move in us, and through us to accomplish the will of God. The thorns of carnality often spring up unaware and choke out the seed of the Gospel that was planted. The things of the world and the cares of life have a way of stifling Christians from growing to maturity. God’s desire is to remove the thorns in our lives so that we can be fruitful for the kingdom and live in harmony with the will of God

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Power of God in Us

 Eph. 3:20
Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

We recently lost power to our house during a windstorm. The energy transformed into electricity gave light in our house when darkness came. It provided power to the fans that blew warm air through our home, and kept the refrigerator compressor running to keep our food from spoiling.  Without the power, we were left in the dark to make the best of it. Power is defined and demonstrated in various ways. It can also be seen as the ability to overcome or command a situation. Jesus said, “You shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” What was this power? Why would Christians need to have this power? The work that God has given each one of us is not done with human ingenuity or power. We offer God ourselves as an empty vessel to be used by Him. He fills us with the power given to us by the Holy Spirit to accomplish the work of the Kingdom. God is able to exceed abundantly all that is needed when we allow HIm to work in us. Without His power, we are like a house without any lights, we wander in darkness trying to figure things out through our human means. God gives us power to live a life of holiness. There is power in the blood of Jesus. He gives us power to be witnesses to a world lost in darkness. Power to pray that the Holy Spirit will convict men and women of sin. For the Christian, the power to overcome trials, tribulation, and hardship. The power works in us as we open our heart to God believing that He is able to do all things according to His purpose. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Baptism of Believers

 Matt 28:19
Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

After Jesus was risen from the grave, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were told by the angels to go tell the other disciples that He was risen. As they ran to tell them, Jesus appeared to them. The excitement and wonder was overwhelming. First, they saw an angel, then they were the first to see Jesus face to face. Sorrow was turned to joy as they were told to go tell the disciples that He would meet them in Galilee. It was on a mountain in Galilee that Jesus gave His disciples the mission to tell the world that He died on the cross for sinners, and that He was the resurrection of life. That all power was His and the Holy Spirit would come to give them the power to turn the world upside down. 

The account given to us by Matthew is one of the many scriptures given to us that teach baptism and the doctrine of the Trinity. Being baptized does not bring salvation, salvation is only accomplished by confessing and believing in Jesus. But one cannot ignore the commandment given to us by Jesus that baptism is an important sacrament after one comes to believe. It proclaims to the world that we have made our choice. We are followers of Jesus, and He is the Lord of our lives. A systematic study of scripture will show that baptism is plainly taught in scripture. As believers, we should encourage those who come to Christ to proclaim their faith by being baptized. To argue that one cannot get to heaven without it is to be ignorant of the plan of salvation and the reason Jesus died on the cross. But as followers of Jesus, one should desire to proclaim Christ by being baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, just as Jesus commanded.