Monday, November 16, 2020

Love Others

 Galatians 5:14

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

If you love God, you will want to keep His commandments. If you love others, you are going to treat them with respect and kindness, forsaking your own wants and preferring one another. On this, hangs all of God’s law. How is this possible? We are born in sin, and the carnal nature rules our flesh. Sin has dominion and the focus is taking care of number one, “me”. All is made possible through Christ. We who have given their lives to Him have been grafted onto the Vine. Through Christ, we can do all things. There is nothing impossible to Him who believes and looks to Him for love and grace. True and selfless love comes from God. There are those who may give for humanitarian reasons, but a Christian gives to show the love of Christ. This is what it means to live in Christ, and Christ in me.

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