Monday, June 26, 2023

A Higher Standard

 1Tim 3:3
Not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.
A higher standard is always given to those in high positions. They are put into a position of responsibility, and must lead by example. It is especially important that those in leadership live above reproach. This does not mean that they are above human failure or fault, it is an admonition that they live their lives carefully. Their charge is great and failing to live up to the standard of God’s word can have dire consequences. In many respects, we are all overseers of someone. There are people who are watching our lives and following our example. Therefore, the charge is given in all who desire to live godly in Christ. The behavior of Christian goes beyond the outward standards of lifestyle. It goes to the behavior of the heart. The things we desire in life. Seeking power, pleasure, control, or money out of greed will diminish our effectiveness as a Christian and lead us down a pathway of destruction. The scripture is full of examples of those who were found wanting for being greedy. In the end, their sin found them out, and the sad words of the Christ at the end of life will be, “Depart from me you worker iniquity, I don’t know you.” Let us be seekers of God, and live a life that will lead others to Christ.

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