Friday, November 4, 2022

Letter of Recommendation

 1 Corinth 3:2
Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:
I often write letters of recommendation for students who are applying to colleges or jobs. The letter is an insight to the character of the person, it speaks to the person’s integrity, work ethic, and ambitions. As Christians, our lives should reflect the Spirit of Christ. His law is written in our hearts to be seen by all men. We need to live in a way that our lives recommend the life of Christ. We may be the only Bible that others will read. Therefore our lives should be in harmony with its teaching.  What do people read when they observe your life? Does your life reflect a life that glorifies God, and reflects the image of Christ? Your actions and reactions determine your influence for Christ. Let it be known to all men, that you live a life that is consistent with God’s word.

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