Monday, October 17, 2022

Light Came

 Gen. 1:3

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 

This light was either the light of God’s presence, or could have been the sun. It appears that the light that ruled the day (sun?) was created on day 4, but possibly the sun was already created to bring light to the world that was full of darkness on day one. 


Day 1- Light (possibly the sun)

Day 2- Sky/clouds

Day 3- Earth/grass

Day 4- Moon

Day 5- Sea creatures/birds

Day 6- Land animals/Male, Garden of Eden, Female. 

Day 7- God rested- Sabbath

Jesus came to be the light that would shine into a world that was spiritually darken with sin. He is the true light that lights every man to see the salvation of God.

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