Monday, July 18, 2022

Sweeter Than Honey

Psalm 19:10
They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.
His law, His statues, precepts, and commandments are not grievous, they refresh the soul, they are the source of what is right and good. His word brings joy to the heart and opens the eyes to truth and the way of righteousness. His word brings eternal life. Silver and gold, the riches of this world fade away in light of what is most important in life. We desire many things in this life, and God has provided us with such blessings, but our daily bread is the word of God. We seek first the things of God and all other desires in life will fall in place. Living in His word is more than reading a morning devotion, it is the source of our life that guides our every action and reaction. He is the living Word, and through Him we find our purpose in life. Jesus is more desirable than gold, finer than the things of this world, He grows sweeter every day, making life worth living.

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