Saturday, June 18, 2022

Remember Me

Luke 23:42

“Jesus, [please] remember me when You come into Your kingdom!

The cry of every soul when death draws near is to be remembered. The criminal on the cross would be remembered by those around him for the evil deeds he had committed . Scripture will forever remember this man who recognized his sinful condition and called out for mercy. We all deserve to die, for the wages of sin is death. Physical death comes to all. We will all someday take our last breath, the heart will cease to beat, and our mind will no longer function. Our soul will continue to live on, and we will come face to face and be judged by a Holy God who knows our heart and desires. He will remember when we yielded to His tender love and confessed our sins. He will remember our commitment to follow Him and to obey His word, He will remember our humanity and failures in life. We desire only to hear the words, “Enter in my good and faithful servant…” Remember me Lord when I pass from this life into eternity. 

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