Monday, December 6, 2021

Cheerful Giver

 2 Corinth 9:7
Each one must do just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver
Giving money is not the only way to be a giver, but money allows us to purchase the essential needs of survival. Providing for the needs of those who are in need of food and shelter is grounded in scripture.  Giving to the ministry of spreading the Gospel of Christ is also foundational to the support of God’s work. Giving to the work of God was established in the Old Testament when God required the people of Israel to give a tenth of their income. This was written in OT law, but Christ changed the heart of man, putting within each believer a new law,  the desire to give. We are not giving because God is holding a stick over our head and requires us to empty our pockets, but He tenderly touches our heart, showing us that He gave His indescribable gift to us in Christ. Putting in our heart a thanksgiving spirit to give and sacrifice our wants and desires to help others, and to further the Kingdom of God. Are you a cheerful giver, or do you give out of obligation and duty? Blessed are those who give out of love and not duty

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