Friday, May 14, 2021

All Left Behind

 Psalm 49:17 
For when he dies he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him. 
From dust we come, and to dust we go. We come into this world with no possessions and when we die we will leave all of our treasures and possessions behind us for someone else to enjoy. The only thing we take with us is our never dying soul. Every human being born into this world was given a soul by the Creator of life. Scripture indicates that only humans have souls and will live for eternity after we die and leave this world. As much as people become attached to animals, the “beast” of this world have no understanding of life beyond this world. Their flesh will return back to the earth, and the story ends. There is no dog heaven, or pet heaven. But, man is created in the image of God and life after death will continue. May we live each day according to God’s plan. Honor Him with our understanding, live for Him with eternity in mind.

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