Tuesday, October 15, 2019

End of Your Rope

2 Corinth 1:9 But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead:

Have you ever been at the “end of your rope”? Paul and those with him were facing physical danger and were near death because they were spreading the gospel. They believed that unless God intervene they were destine to be put to death. They were beyond helping themselves and all hope seem to be gone. We may not be facing physical warm or death, but we can find ourselves at a dead end facing a difficult situation or circumstance. We have done all we can and there is nothing else to do, but pray. Yes, pray! God often will put us in a places where our only way out is to let God take over. God who can overcome the power of darkness and do miracles is waiting for us to put our trust in Him. In our time of trouble, we are not alone, for their are people all around us that are praying and trusting God to carry us through. Trust not in the arm of flesh, but lean strong on the arms of Jesus.

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