Wednesday, April 10, 2019

In The Face of My Enemies

Ps. 23:5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: 

After experience being in an accident yesterday, I reflected on what happen and my response to the situation. The other drive who was at fault was extremely mad calling me all manner of names. I tried to tell him it was not my fault, and was sorry that the accident happen. But, at that point I was his enemy. I walked away praying that God would give me peace of mind and to prepare my heart not react unkindly. In the presence of my “enemy” I asked the Lord to take control. Frustration and stress was inevitable, but tho I walk this life not understanding all that happens, I can rest assure that He can walk with me. He prepared my table, and I was able to eat and drink from His bountiful grace

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