Saturday, February 9, 2019

I Shall Not Be Moved

Psalm 16:8  I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Determination and stability in rooted in a strong faith that God is true and faithful. He will give the strength to stand firm in the face of trouble or persecution. Determination in our own strength and ability will fall short of the goal. Yes, we must be willing to do our part by believing and trusting God. But it is God who will go before us. Determine to stand and not be moved from what is right, not to be moved from the truth of God’s word. Moved away from serving God and living for Him. We live in a day where the fiber of our faith is being attacked and the standard of holy living is being questioned as too old fashion and irrelevant. Cultures may change, but God does not. In the spirit of love and service to our God, we must not be moved from what is right and holy. 

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