Thursday, August 23, 2018

Taste of the Lord

Ps. 34:8 O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

You don’t know until you try it. I have never met anyone who gave their lives to Jesus and later in life regretted doing so. We often try things because others who have tried it have had a good experience. There are something in the world that we know by other’s experience that it is best not to even try. We know that doing so often ends bad. Smoking, drinking, drugs, and various forms of immoral behaviors. But, drinking at the fountain of living water, taking a bite from the bread of Life, feasting at the table of the Lord is always done with satisfaction. It never leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Come and dine and see that the Lord is good. Taste of Him and your life will be filled with joy and satisfaction.

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