Saturday, February 24, 2018

Respecting People

James 2: 9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

Committing sin when professing to be a follower of Christ is to do something that you know violates God’s word. God’s word makes many things clear about what is sin. The world often scoffed at the word and blows it off as antiquated and irrelevant in our progressive society. They pick and choose what they thing is wrong and right. Choosing their own morality base on their own desires. Treating people differently because they are richer or poor, white or black, smart or ignorant is to commit sin. Racism and having social prejudices that leads to injustice is to disregard the mercy of God. The Word of God requires that we show respect to all human beings, that our origin of birth or social and economic class should not dictate to us how we treat others. God is no respecter of person. For God so loved the WORLD that He sent Jesus to pay the price for our sins and provide a way to live forever with God in this life and the life after.

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